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We do not believe Deception and Confusion!!

               We Reconize that the devil is the master of Deception and Confusion and loves to work through things that appear to be a part of the "Safe Haven" of "Professing Christianity".  We feel it is necessary, in these, our doctrines, to list briefly some additional information aimed at avoiding confusion.  By these declarations we do not wish to offend individuals, but to simply "Speak the Truth in Love" as we judge these erroneous teachings by the only legitimate standard for "truth", God's Word, the Bible (2 Tim 2:15).  We acknowledge there are dear souls within the influences described here who are born again.  We pray they may by study of the scriptures, come to align themselves more rightly with the the "whole counsel of God" and thus be separated from these errors, and to the joy found only in God's truth.


1.)  We do not believe that Water Baptism is an Essential Element or Portion of a Salvation Process where the

Individual Contacts the Blood of Christ or Connects with the Grace of God, in the water.  These errors are taught in

such denominations as the "Churches of Christ", the "Disciples of Christ", and most "Christian" churches (Acts 8:35-37; Mark 15:15,16; 1 Cor 1:17,18).


2.)  We do not believe in the works oriented, fear and superstition driven concepts ingrained in the Roman Catholicism, nor in practices such as the veneration of Mary and a perverted view of the Lord's Supper (Romans 4:5-7; Eph 2:8,9; Titus 2:11).


3.)  We do not believe that Christ's death on the cross only provided atonement and salvation for a group of erroneously termed "the elect" and that all others are without hope of the new birth because God has willed it so.  These and other unscriptural declarations as contained in reformed theology and/or Calvanism are an abominable misrepresentation of our loving gracious and just God who draws all men unto Himself and desires for all to be saved (Isa 53:6; John 12:32; 1 Tim 4:10; Heb 2:9; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 2:2).


4.)   We do not believe that speaking in tongues, signs and wonders, a "second blessing", or an inordinate focus of physical healing or financial prosperity are God's way concerning church conduct or practices for this Dispensation. Some of these occurances were a sign for the Jews and rendered unnecessary by the availability of the completed Holy Bible.  We speak here of the Charismatic Movement which also holds to the error that a truly born again individual can lose their salvation (John 5:24; 1 Cor 13:9-11; 14: 18,19,22).



5.)  We do not believe that mini-sermons with a weak, shallow, therapeutic approach to the scriptures is an adequate or Christ honoring way to equip "Good Soldiers of Jesus Christ".  We sorrow over the scarcity of "Strong Bible Believing Churches" and stand opposed to the thousands of Liberal, Modernistic, and Humanistic so called "churches" that offer little more than a "Social Gathering Place" to a lost and dying world ( Acts 20:26-28; 2 Tim 2:1-5,15, 3:5).



6.)  We do not believe that the Church, the Body of Christ began in Acts 2,9,18,28, or afterward, nor do we believe there are or were multiple bodies of Christ.  These errors are propogated in an attempt to eliminate baptism by immersion and/or the Lord's Supper (often called Communion).  This is a strange, complex, and confusing system of belief we call "Hyper-Dispensationalism".  There has been and is only  One Living Spiritual Body of Christ, and it began on the Cross (1 Cor 10:32; Eph 4:4; 2:16).


7.)  We do not believe in replacement theology.  This diabolical teaching claims that "the church has replaced the nation of Isreal, and that God is finished with the Jews and removed them from God's future plans and purposes".  The Scriptures clearly state that Jesus Christ will, one day, restore the nation of Isreal, and bless that Jewish people.  This false teaching, which eliminates Isreal and replaces her with "something else" is cursed by God (Gen 12:1-3; Rom 11:25-29). 


8.)  We do not believe we are the only church, or church group that is proclaiming the True Bible message.  We do, however, diligently seek to set forth with God's help, the only true "Way of Salvation" and to declare "All the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27).  This is not exclusive and anyone or any group can discern as we do through a Holy Spirit led, unbiased, and sincere consideration of the gospel and all the Scripture ( Matt 11:28,29).


Thank you for taking the time to read this section of our Doctrinal Statement.  If you have any questions concerning any point of our doctrine you may contact us through a number of contacts on our contact page.




Berean Baptist Church Congregation

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